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Price Control Obligations for Fixed and Mobile Call Termination Rates

Posted: 23rd May 2019
Reference Number: 19/48
Decision Number: D11/19

Fixed Voice Call and Mobile Voice Call Termination - Non-confidential submissions to Consultation 17/90

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 23rd May 2019
Reference Number: 19/47s

Fixed Voice Call and Mobile Voice Call Termination - Response to Consultation and Decision

Posted: 23rd May 2019
Reference Number: 19/47
Decision Number: D10/19

TERA - Assessment if Fixed Voice Call Origination to Non-Geographic numbers in Ireland

Consultants Report
Posted: 22nd May 2019
Reference Number: 19/46c

Analysys Mason - Additional cost modelling for mobile voice origination

Consultants Report
Posted: 22nd May 2019
Reference Number: 19/46b

DotEcon - A price for control for regulation of wholesale charges for non-geographic numbers

Consultants Report
Posted: 22nd May 2019
Reference Number: 19/46a

Universal Service Fund Applications 2010-2015 - Appeal

Information Notice
Posted: 17th May 2019
Reference Number: 19/45