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Spectrum Intelligence & Investigations - Annual Report 2018/2019

Annual Report
Posted: 23rd September 2019
Reference Number: ComReg19/86

Industry Forum regarding implementation of the EECC for emergency communications to the ECAS

Information Notice
Posted: 18th September 2019
Reference Number: ComReg 19/85

Postal Users Survey - Infographic

Posted: 17th September 2019

ComReg reports on study of Irish postal users

Media Release
Posted: 17th September 2019
Reference Number: ComRegPR17092019

Irish Postal Users: Small & Medium Enterprises study

Market Commentary
Posted: 17th September 2019
Reference Number: 19/84b

Irish Postal Users: Residential consumers study

Market Commentary
Posted: 17th September 2019
Reference Number: 19/84a

Bill Shock Review - Control of Expenditure

Call for Input
Posted: 13th September 2019
Reference Number: ComReg 19/83

Quarterly Key Data Report Q2 2019

Quarterly Report
Posted: 12th September 2019
Reference Number: ComReg19/82

Quarterly Key Data Report Memorandum Q2 2019

Quarterly Report
Posted: 12th September 2019
Reference Number: 19/82a

400 MHz Band Spectrum Award - Annex 3 of the Information Memorandum - Writable Application Form

Application Form,Annex
Posted: 30th August 2019
Reference Number: 19/81a