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WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY (Carrigaline UHF Television Programme Retransmission) (Amendment) Regulations 2003

Posted: 14th November 2003
Reference Number: SI506of2003

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY (Multipoint Microwave Distribution System) REGULATIONS 2003.

Posted: 13th November 2003
Reference Number: SI529of2003

ComReg announces 59 New Licence Offers for Local Broadband Wireless Services

Media Release
Posted: 6th November 2003
Reference Number: PR061103

Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation emissions

Information Notice,NIR Site Report
Posted: 1st November 2003
Reference Number: 03/132R

Fixed Telephony Operator Performance: SMP to OAO results - January to June 2003

Posted: 30th October 2003
Reference Number: 03/131b

Fixed Telephony Operator Performance: Detailed Business and Residential Results - January to June 2003

Information Notice
Posted: 30th October 2003
Reference Number: 03/131a

Fixed Telephony Operator Performance - A comparative guide for consumers

Posted: 30th October 2003
Reference Number: 03/131

ComReg provides update on An Post's Terminal Dues negotiations

Media Release
Posted: 23rd October 2003
Reference Number: PR231003