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Wireless Test Licence - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 9th September 2021
Reference Number: ComReg 05/35aR

District Court Prosecution - Update from 2 September 2021

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 7th September 2021
Reference Number: 21/86

2021 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation - Second Interim Report

Quarterly Report,NIR Site Report
Posted: 6th September 2021
Reference Number: 21/85

Notification of Non Compliance to Eircom concerning Access to Exchange Chambers

Information Notice
Posted: 13th August 2021
Reference Number: 21/82

Tesco Mobile Ireland Provides Undertakings and pays €21,000 Penalty

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 11th August 2021
Reference Number: 21/81

Resignation of ComReg appointed member of the Independent Oversight Body (IOB)

Information Notice
Posted: 10th August 2021
Reference Number: 21/80

Migration from Legacy Infrastructure to Modern Infrastructure

Call for Input
Posted: 3rd August 2021
Reference Number: 21/78