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WCA MTA Response to Consultation and Final Decision

Posted: 25th November 2021
Reference Number: 21/120
Decision Number: D10/21

Update on Pricing of Eircom's Civil Engineering Infrastructure - Procedure under Article 33 of EECC

Information Notice
Posted: 25th November 2021
Reference Number: 21/119

ComReg issues a Notification of a Finding of Non-Compliance to Vodafone Ireland Limited in relation to porting charges

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 23rd November 2021
Reference Number: 21/117

2021 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation - Third Interim Report

NIR Site Report
Posted: 17th November 2021
Reference Number: ComReg 21/116

Spectrum Lease Notification: 3.6 GHz band

Posted: 16th November 2021
Reference Number: 21/115

ComReg strategy to promote Over-the-Air provisioning

Posted: 8th November 2021
Reference Number: ComReg 21/114

Annex: WIK Report on strategies to promote Over-the-Air provisioning

Consultants Report
Posted: 8th November 2021
Reference Number: ComReg 21/114a

Text Relay Service Take-up and Usage statistics: Aug 2020 - Aug 2021

Information Notice
Posted: 5th November 2021
Reference Number: 21/113

Universal Service Requirements: Provision of Access at a Fixed Location (AFL USO) Response to Consultation and Decision

Posted: 5th November 2021
Reference Number: 21/112R
Decision Number: D09/21