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ENUM: Accessing Multiple Customer Services Through Telephone Numbers

Posted: 26th March 2003
Reference Number: 03/36

Request for Expressions Of Interest - 3.5 GHz Local Licences for Wireless Broadband

Expressions of Interest
Posted: 19th March 2003
Reference Number: 03/32R

ComReg to prosecute illegal Radio Operators

Media Release
Posted: 18th March 2003
Reference Number: PR180303a

New Local Licences available for Wireless Broadband

Media Release
Posted: 18th March 2003
Reference Number: PR180303

Future Regulation of Electronic Communications Networks and Services - ComReg Consultation Procedures

Information Notice,Guidelines,Briefing Note
Posted: 18th March 2003
Reference Number: 03/31

Wireless Telegraphy (Fixed Wireless Access Local Area Licence) Regulations, 2003 (S.I. No. 79)

Posted: 14th March 2003
Reference Number: SI79of2003

Consumers Should Exercise their Rights in Competitive Markets - Comreg Quarterly Report

Media Release
Posted: 12th March 2003
Reference Number: PR120303

Decision to amend eircom Ltd's FWPMA Narrowband Licence

Information Notice
Posted: 12th March 2003
Reference Number: 03/30

Quarterly Market Report - Broadcasting Survey, Residential Market

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report,Consultants Report
Posted: 12th March 2003
Reference Number: 03/29e