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ComReg Approves Tariff Scheme for Vulnerable Users

Media Release
Posted: 2nd May 2003
Reference Number: PR020503b

Single Billing launch for 2 June after Validation Testing

Media Release
Posted: 2nd May 2003
Reference Number: PR020203a

Vulnerable User Scheme

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd May 2003
Reference Number: 03/48

ComReg Restructures Fees for new Regulatory Regime

Media Release,Consultation Response
Posted: 1st May 2003
Reference Number: PR010503

Future Regulation of Electronic Communications Networks and Services -Fees for Authorisations and Rights of Use

Information Notice,Consultation Response
Posted: 1st May 2003
Reference Number: 03/46

A Review of Carrier Pre-selection (CPS) in the Irish Market

Information Notice
Posted: 17th April 2003
Reference Number: 03/44

Radio licence application form and notes for anyone intending using radio at the Special Olympic Games

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 15th April 2003
Reference Number: 03/43R

Registration of 5.8GHz Wireless Access Base Stations

Application Form
Posted: 10th April 2003
Reference Number: 03/42