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ComReg lowers price for eircom's Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) Charges

Media Release
Posted: 28th May 2003
Reference Number: PR280503

Local Loop Unbundling :Review of Charges - Decision Notice D12/03

Posted: 28th May 2003
Reference Number: 03/55R

Review of the Premium Rate Services Numbering Scheme - Response to Consultation

Consultation Response
Posted: 27th May 2003
Reference Number: 03/54R

Audit of Compliance with emission limits for non-ionising radiation

Information Notice
Posted: 26th May 2003
Reference Number: 03/53

Information Notice: Interim Rates for NTC Services effective from 1st April 2003

Information Notice
Posted: 23rd May 2003
Reference Number: 03/51

ComReg: No Compulsory Roadside Letterboxes

Media Release
Posted: 13th May 2003
Reference Number: PR130503

Code of Practice on Sharing of Radio Sites

Posted: 5th May 2003
Reference Number: 03/28R