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ComReg publishes its findings of the review of the wholesale broadcasting transmission market

Media Release
Posted: 3rd February 2004
Reference Number: PR020204

Quality of Service Target 2004 Single Piece Priority Mail

Posted: 3rd February 2004
Reference Number: 04/08

Communications Regulations Act 2002 (Section 30) Postal Levy Order 2003, S.I. No. 733 of 2003

Posted: 3rd February 2004
Reference Number: 04/07

Response to Consultation: Market Analysis - Wholesale Broadcasting Transmission Services

Consultation Response
Posted: 2nd February 2004
Reference Number: 04/06

ComReg finds eircom in breach of the Carrier Pre-Selection Code of Practice

Media Release
Posted: 27th January 2004
Reference Number: PR270104

ComReg Consults on measures to increase competition in mobile phone market

Media Release
Posted: 27th January 2004
Reference Number: PR270104

Market Analysis - Wholesale Mobile Access and Call Origination

Posted: 27th January 2004
Reference Number: 04/05

CPS Code of Practice Breach eircom pricing comparison breach

Information Notice
Posted: 27th January 2004
Reference Number: 04/04

Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1926 (Section 3) (Exemption of Low Power Aircraft Earth Stations) Order, 2004

Posted: 15th January 2004
Reference Number: SI007of2004

Businesses will benefit following ComReg Direction to eircom on leased line transfer

Media Release
Posted: 15th January 2004
Reference Number: PR150104