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Transfer by Eircom Ltd of Third Generation and GSM Mobile Telephony ('3G') Licence

Information Notice
Posted: 1st July 2008
Reference Number: 08/53

Submissions to Consultation 08/20 - Proposed Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum 2008 - 2010

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 1st July 2008
Reference Number: 08/50s

Raiteis Straiteise maidir le Bainistiocht Speictrim 2008 - 2010

Information Notice
Posted: 1st July 2008
Reference Number: 08/50a

Spectrum Management Strategy Statement 2008 - 2010

Information Notice
Posted: 1st July 2008
Reference Number: 08/50

Consumer ICT Survey

Consultants Report
Posted: 1st July 2008
Reference Number: 08/49

ComReg launches public consultation on the regulation of .ie

Media Release
Posted: 30th June 2008
Reference Number: PR300608

ComReg response to Dept. of Communications consultation on the postal liberalisation

Media Release
Posted: 30th June 2008
Reference Number: PR290608

Consultation Paper - Regulation of .ie

Posted: 29th June 2008
Reference Number: 08/48

ComReg directs Eircom to lower the price of LLU Line Share

Media Release
Posted: 27th June 2008
Reference Number: PR270608