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Eircom pricing proposals on migration, fault repair and disconnection charges associated with Local Loop Unbundling (LLU)

Information Notice
Posted: 9th May 2013
Reference Number: 13/44
Decision Number: D03/13

Consultation on H3GI's request for an amendment to its Liberalised Use Licence

Posted: 9th May 2013
Reference Number: 13/43

Closure of FWALA Operators Forum

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd May 2013
Reference Number: 13/42

Joint Submission to the Law Reform Commission

Comreg Submission
Posted: 1st May 2013
Reference Number:

GSM Liberalisation Project: Publication of correspondence provided by respondents

Information Notice
Posted: 30th April 2013
Reference Number: 12/94R

GSM Liberalisation Project: Publication of correspondence provided by respondents

Information Notice
Posted: 30th April 2013
Reference Number: 12/74R

2013 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation Emissions: First Interim Report

NIR Site Report
Posted: 26th April 2013
Reference Number: 13/41