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ODTR Response to Department of the Taoiseach Consultation 'Towards Better Regulation'

Comreg Submission
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/65

CPS in Ireland 2002 - Decision Notice D13/02

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/64

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)- Briefing Note

Briefing Note
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/63

Report on the comparison of cost models used to compute interconnect conveyance rates charged by eircom

Information Notice
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/61

Review of eircom's Access Reference Offer - Sub loop unbundling -Decision Notice D12/02

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/60

Forward-looking Programme - Seminar Presentation

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/59

Dispute Resolution Determination No. 05/02 Summary

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/58

Review of the Price Cap on Certain Telecommunications Services - Consultation II

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/57