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ComReg accepts Quality of Service Target for An Post

Media Release
Posted: 1st June 2004
Reference Number: PR010604

Quality of Service Target 2004 - Single Piece Priority Mail

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st June 2004
Reference Number: 04/56

ComReg issues direction to eircom over breaches of the CPS Code of Practice

Media Release
Posted: 27th May 2004
Reference Number: PR270504

CPS Code of Practice Breach - eircom pricing comparison breach

Information Notice
Posted: 27th May 2004
Reference Number: 04/55

ComReg hosts seminar for Business Radio sector

Media Release
Posted: 26th May 2004
Reference Number: PR260504

Handling unsolicited marketing telephone calls - ComReg publishes guide for consumers

Media Release
Posted: 25th May 2004
Reference Number: PR250504

ComReg announces establishment of Expert Group

Media Release
Posted: 23rd May 2004
Reference Number: PR230405

ComReg consults about Bulk Mail Customers' access to An Post's network

Media Release
Posted: 21st May 2004
Reference Number: PR210504

Regulation of Postal Services - Universal Service Obligation- Bulk Mail Access

Posted: 21st May 2004
Reference Number: 04/54

Response to Consultation on ComReg's review of the text of eircom's Reference Interconnect Offer

Draft Direction,Consultation,Consultation Response
Posted: 20th May 2004
Reference Number: 04/53