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ComReg publishes its Response to Consultation on the wholesale international roaming market

Media Release
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: PR110806

Quarterly Key Data Report Information Notice

Market Commentary
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: 06/36

Market Analysis - Wholesale International Roaming (Response to Consultation)

Market Commentary
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: 06/35

Business Telecommunications Survey Wave 1, 2006: Survey Results

Market Commentary
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: 06/34

Wireless Telegraphy (Ship Station Radio Licence) Regulations, 2006

Posted: 9th August 2006
Reference Number: (SI414of2006)

New call sign format for Ships' Radio Licences

Media Release
Posted: 5th August 2006
Reference Number: PR050806

The 'home-zone' service - an innovation in fixed-mobile telecommunications

Media Release
Posted: 4th August 2006
Reference Number: PR040806

Wireless Public Address Systems (WPAS) Licensing - Information Briefing

Posted: 27th July 2006
Reference Number: CP42

ComReg re-designates eircom as Universal Service Provider from 2006 until 2010

Media Release
Posted: 25th July 2006
Reference Number: PR250706

The Future Provision of Telephony Services Under Universal Service Obligations

Posted: 25th July 2006
Reference Number: 06/32