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ComReg reports on An Post quality of service between January and March 2007

Media Release
Posted: 18th June 2007
Reference Number: PR180607

Annex A TNS mrbi Report for YTD, January - March 2007

Information Notice
Posted: 18th June 2007
Reference Number: 07/33a

ComReg survey shows more telecoms users are shopping around to compare prices

Media Release
Posted: 10th June 2007
Reference Number: PR100607

Interconnection Rates reduced by almost 10%

Media Release
Posted: 8th June 2007
Reference Number: PR080607

ComReg Trends Survey Series, Wave 1, 2007. Presentation of Results, prepared by Amarach Consulting

Information Notice
Posted: 8th June 2007
Reference Number: 07/32

Information Notice - Interconnection Rates for 2007/08

Information Notice
Posted: 8th June 2007
Reference Number: 07/31

ComReg takes action against pirate radio stations

Media Release
Posted: 18th May 2007
Reference Number: PR180507

Responses to Consultation - Increased FWALA Licence Flexibility

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 16th May 2007
Reference Number: 07/29s

ComReg increases the availability of wireless Broadband

Media Release
Posted: 15th May 2007
Reference Number: PR150507