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Submissions to Consultation - ComReg's approach to Regulatory Impact Assessment

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 10th August 2007
Reference Number: 07/56s

Guidelines on ComReg's Approach to Regulatory Impact Assessment

Posted: 10th August 2007
Reference Number: 07/56a

ComReg's approach to Regulatory Impact Assessment - Response to Consultation and Guidelines

Posted: 10th August 2007
Reference Number: 07/56

Reduced International Roaming Charges

Media Release
Posted: 2nd August 2007
Reference Number: PR020807

ComReg consults on applying binding Universal Service performance targets on Eircom

Media Release
Posted: 1st August 2007
Reference Number: PR010807

Consultation on Universal Service Performance Targets

Posted: 1st August 2007
Reference Number: 07/55
Decision Number: D9/05

Provision of Universal Service by Eircom - Performance Indicators Q4 2006

Quarterly Report
Posted: 1st August 2007
Reference Number: 07/54

2007 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation Emissions - Second Interim Report

NIR Site Report
Posted: 31st July 2007
Reference Number: 07/53

Breaches by Operators of the SB-WLR Code of Practice

Information Notice
Posted: 31st July 2007
Reference Number: 07/52