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Consultation - Strategy Statement 2008 - 2010

Posted: 15th October 2007
Reference Number: 07/82

ComReg issues revised Radio Frequency Plan for Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 11th October 2007
Reference Number: PR111007

Approval of Revised Prices per the Directory Information Licence Agreement ('DILA')

Information Notice
Posted: 3rd October 2007
Reference Number: 07/79
Decision Number: 02/07

ComReg and the NDA launch Consumer Guide for people with disabilities and older people

Media Release
Posted: 2nd October 2007
Reference Number: PR021007

Leased Line Market Review 2007

Posted: 2nd October 2007
Reference Number: 07/77

ComReg imposes price cap on Eircom line rental charges

Media Release
Posted: 1st October 2007
Reference Number: PR011007

S. I. No. 665 of 2007 - Telecommunications Tariff Regulation (Revocation) Order, 2007

Posted: 1st October 2007
Reference Number: (SI665of2007)