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Decision Notice and Decision Instrument - Market Analysis: Retail Fixed Calls Market Review

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 28th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/111
Decision Number: D07/07

Utilisation of the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz Spectrum Bands

Consultation Response
Posted: 28th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/110

Interconnection Market Review Fixed Wholesale Call Termination Services

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 21st December 2007
Reference Number: 07/109

O2 3G Coverage Assessment

Information Notice
Posted: 21st December 2007
Reference Number: 07/108

Opinion of non-compliance by Eircom with its non-discrimination obligation

Information Notice
Posted: 19th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/107

ComReg latest Quarterly Report shows Broadband take-up continues to grow strongly

Media Release
Posted: 18th December 2007
Reference Number: PR181207a

ComReg issues Complaints and Dispute Resolution Guidelines to protect Postal Consumers

Media Release
Posted: 18th December 2007
Reference Number: PR181207

Irish Communications Market: Quarterly Key Data - December 2007: Explanatory Memorandum

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report,Report
Posted: 18th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/106a

Irish Communications Market: Quarterly Key Data - December 2007

Report,Market Commentary,Quarterly Report
Posted: 18th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/106

Submissions to Consultation - Complaints and Dispute Resolution Guidelines for Postal Service Providers

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 18th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/105a