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Information Notice - Single Billing via Wholesale Line Rental Code of Practice Review

Information Notice
Posted: 20th January 2009
Reference Number: 09/02

ComReg introduces a new framework for Irelands .ie Top Level Domain

Media Release
Posted: 12th January 2009
Reference Number: PR120109

Submissions to Consultation - Inputs to Consultation on Regulation of .ie

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 12th January 2009
Reference Number: 09/01s

Response to Consultation - Regulation of the .ie domain

Consultation Response
Posted: 12th January 2009
Reference Number: 09/01

Annual Review for 2008

Posted: 31st December 2008
Reference Number: CP53

Tera Report on Methodology for Line Share Pricing in Ireland

Posted: 23rd December 2008
Reference Number: 08/106a