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Radio Frequency Plan for Ireland

Information Notice,Guidelines
Posted: 22nd December 2009
Reference Number: 08/90R1

ComReg publishes latest proposals on future use of 900 MHz mobile radio spectrum

Consultation Response
Posted: 21st December 2009
Reference Number: PR211209

Liberalising the Future use of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz Spectrum bands & Spectrum Release Options

Consultation Response
Posted: 21st December 2009
Reference Number: 09/99s

Liberalisation of spectrum in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands

Consultants Report
Posted: 21st December 2009
Reference Number: 09/99c

Liberalising the Future Use of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz Spectrum Bands

Consultation,Consultation Response
Posted: 21st December 2009
Reference Number: 09/99

Hutchinson 3 G Ireland-Tesco Moble Ireland Dispute - Final Determination

Posted: 18th December 2009
Reference Number: 09/98

Provision of Universal Service by Eircom - Performance Data Q3 2009

Information Notice
Posted: 18th December 2009
Reference Number: 09/97

Consultation on Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) with Complementary Ground Component (CGC)

Posted: 18th December 2009
Reference Number: 09/96

2009 Postal Market Residential Survey

Market Commentary,Report
Posted: 17th December 2009
Reference Number: 09/95b

2009 Postal Market Business Survey

Market Commentary,Report
Posted: 17th December 2009
Reference Number: 09/95a