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Information Notice - ComReg briefing on the future of the 2.3 GHz band

Information Notice
Posted: 11th February 2010
Reference Number: 10/11

ComReg urges public to be aware of the phone number 112 for emergency services in the EU

Media Release
Posted: 9th February 2010
Reference Number: PR090210

Consultation Submissions to ComReg Consultation Document 09/62

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 9th February 2010
Reference Number: 10/10b
Decision Number: D01/10

Consultation Submissions to ComReg Consultation Document 09/39

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 9th February 2010
Reference Number: 10/10a
Decision Number: D01/10

Response to Consultations & Final Decision: Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) and Sub-Loop Unbundling (SLU) Maximum Monthly Rental Charges

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 9th February 2010
Reference Number: 10/10
Decision Number: D01/10

Information Notice: Meeting of authorised operators who provide access to premium rate services

Information Notice
Posted: 5th February 2010
Reference Number: 10/09

Invitation to Tender - Quality Standard for Customer Service Complaints Handling

Public Tender
Posted: 3rd February 2010
Reference Number: 10/08

2009 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation Emissions - Fourth Interim Report

NIR Site Report
Posted: 28th January 2010
Reference Number: 10/07

Decision reducing the monthly rental price for Line Share - Settlement of Legal Proceedings

Information Notice
Posted: 25th January 2010
Reference Number: 10/06

Information Notice: Addition to Table 1 of ComReg Decision No. 01/06

Information Notice
Posted: 21st January 2010
Reference Number: 10/05
Decision Number: 01/06