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Review of the regulatory framework for VoIP in Ireland - A report for ComReg

Consultants Report
Posted: 19th November 2010
Reference Number: 10/91a

Future regulatory framework for Next Generation Voice services, including VoIP

Information Notice
Posted: 18th November 2010
Reference Number: 10/91

2010 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation Emissions: Third Interim Report

NIR Site Report
Posted: 11th November 2010
Reference Number: 10/90

Mobile TV - Call for expressions of interest

Information Notice
Posted: 11th November 2010
Reference Number: 10/89

ComReg notifies 02 of a finding of non-compliance with respect to Electronic Billing

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd October 2010
Reference Number: 10/88

Call For Input - Emergency Call Answering Service - Call Handling Fee review

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd October 2010
Reference Number: 10/87

Extension of response period for document 10/77

Information Notice
Posted: 18th October 2010
Reference Number: 10/86

Submissions to Consultation 10/55

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 15th October 2010
Reference Number: 10/85

Information Notice: Proposed licensing regime for GSM for railway operations spectrum.

Information Notice
Posted: 13th October 2010
Reference Number: 10/84