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Third-Party Business Radio Licensing; Reopening the Licensing Scheme

Information Notice
Posted: 6th December 2010
Reference Number: 10/101

Guidelines to Applicants; Third Party Business Radio Licences

Posted: 6th December 2010
Reference Number: 05/82R2

Third Party Business Radio Licence

Application Form
Posted: 6th December 2010
Reference Number: 05/82aR2

ComReg reports on An Post quality of service performance for Q3 2010

Media Release
Posted: 3rd December 2010
Reference Number: PR03122010

Submissions to Consultation - Sixth Review of the National Numbering Conventions

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 3rd December 2010
Reference Number: 10/99s

Consultation Paper - Three Criteria Test on the Broadcasting Transmission Market

Posted: 3rd December 2010
Reference Number: 10/98

Quality of Postal Service Monitor - Interim Report Q3 2010

Market Commentary,Report
Posted: 3rd December 2010
Reference Number: 10/100

ComReg publishes Information Notice and Consumer Research on International Roaming practices

Media Release
Posted: 2nd December 2010
Reference Number: PR02122010a

ComReg launches new Quality Standard for Customer Service Complaints Handling

Posted: 2nd December 2010
Reference Number: PR02122010