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Quarterly Report Q3 2011

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report
Posted: 9th December 2011
Reference Number: 11/98

Amateur Theory Exam; Renewal of Agreement with the IRTS

Information Notice
Posted: 7th December 2011
Reference Number: 11/97

ICT usage among business consumers

Market Commentary
Posted: 7th December 2011
Reference Number: 11/96b

ICT Usage among residential consumers

Market Commentary
Posted: 7th December 2011
Reference Number: 11/96a

Appendix A - Technical Conditions for Analogue Radio

Licence Text
Posted: 5th December 2011
Reference Number: 11/95a

Consolidated Technical Conditions for Analogue Radio

Information Notice
Posted: 5th December 2011
Reference Number: 11/95

ComReg reports on An Post quality of service performance between January and September 2011

Media Release
Posted: 2nd December 2011
Reference Number: PR02122011

Quality of Postal Service Monitor - Interim Report Q3 2011

Market Commentary,Report
Posted: 2nd December 2011
Reference Number: 11/93

Extension of Deadline for Eircom's Universal Service Funding Application

Information Notice
Posted: 30th November 2011
Reference Number: 11/92
Decision Number: D04/11