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2016 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation Emissions: Fourth Interim Report

Information Notice
Posted: 17th February 2017
Reference Number: 17/13

Three remedies non-compliance with respect to Contract Change Notifications

Information Notice
Posted: 1st February 2017
Reference Number: 17/09

Draft Determination in a dispute between (i) four parties represented by Towerhouse LLP and (ii) Eircom Ltd

Dispute,Consultation Submissions
Posted: 31st January 2017
Reference Number: 16/40s

BEREC Workshop: Preparing the revolution for the Internet of Things

Media Release
Posted: 30th January 2017
Reference Number: PR30012017

Business Radio Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 26th January 2017
Reference Number: 00/07R5

Universal postal service accouting obligations - 2017 Accounting Direction

Posted: 20th January 2017
Reference Number: 17/06
Decision Number: D02/17

Regulatory Accounts template

Posted: 20th January 2017
Reference Number: 17/06a