What about Planning Permission?
Planning applications and permission to erect a mast, monopole or new structure to hold communications equipment is beyond ComReg’s remit. Please refer any enquiries to your local planning authority.
Who is responsible for the Mast?
The local authority should have details of whom and for what purpose permission was given to erect a mast or structure. Mobile operators are required to inform ComReg of the sites where equipment is deployed. Details of mobile base stations or equipment are made available to ComReg on a periodic basis and this information in turn is made available to the public via our website www.siteviewer.ie including contact details for the operators.
Why is the site not on www.siteviewer.ie ?
If the site is not on Siteviewer then this may be for the following reasons: It may not be a mobile site Not every mast may have a mobile phone base station associated with it, so may not appear on the Siteviewer. Some masts may be used for other purposes e.g. business radio (PMR), Garda networks, etc. It has not yet been notified to ComReg Operators are required to notify ComReg of their equipment for licensing on a periodic basis and this is then reflected on Siteviewer. The non inclusion of a site should not be construed as indicating a non licensed site.
Is the mast/equipment installed safe?
All equipment must be R&TTE compliant (i.e. have a CE mark). The R&TTE compliance requirement is a requirement for all types radio equipment used in Ireland. ComReg’s only role in this area is to ensure that operators meet the licence conditions by ensuring that emissions from licensed radio transmitters do not exceed the current international guidelines on non-ionising radiation as produced by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Further details about the work of this body can be found at http://www.icnirp.org/ To ensure operators comply with licence conditions ComReg currently has a measurement programme in place to measure a representative sample of transmitter sites each year.
Is there any site measurement report for the site near me?
All available reports can be viewed on the main ComReg website.
Does Siteviewer provide details regarding network coverage or service availabilty?
The Siteviewer facility is not intended to represent coverage and to this extent ComReg advises customers to contact their prospective operator regarding coverage or availability for details of a specific service in the area in question.