Cinntí anailíse margaidh ábharach & dualgais SMP

Specific ComReg decisions relating to each of the SMP regulated markets are identified below. Brief description of these markets.

ComReg identifies how these markets relate to the various European Commission recommendations according to the reference  “Market Number”/”Year of Recommendation”. For example, “01/2007” is Market 1 identified in the European Commission’s 2007 Recommendation.

It should also be noted that the analysis of markets identified in the European Commission’s 2014 Recommendation are currently underway. Therefore, the existing decisions refer to markets identified in 2007 Recommendation (e.g. Wholesale Physical Network Infrastructure Access (04/2007) and Wholesale Broadband Access (05/2007).


SMP Regulated Market

Wholesale Call Termination on Individual Public Telephone Networks Provided at a Fixed Location (01/2014)
Wholesale Voice Call Termination on Individual Mobile Networks (02/2014)
Wholesale local access provided at a fixed location (03a/2014)
Wholesale central access provided at a fixed location for mass-market products (03b/2014)
Wholesale high-quality access provided at a fixed location (04/2014)
Retail Access to The Public Telephone Network at a Fixed Location (01/2007)
Wholesale Call Origination on the Public Telephone Network Provided at a Fixed Location (02/2007)
Broadcasting Market A – Wholesale Access to National Terrestrial Broadcast Transmission Services (18/2003)
Broadcasting Market B – Wholesale Access to DTT Multiplexing Services (18/2003)