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Pricing of phone and broadband services

Woman going through bills at laptop at home, with serious expression

While ComReg doesn’t set retail prices, we do have a role in ensuring consumers have information to assist them in shopping around.

Phone and broadband service providers’ prices

We have published a report about the evolution and level of retail prices for broadband and voice communications services which provides insights for the period Q1 2020 to Q1 2023 including:

  • Prices are increasing below the rate of inflation, however, if trends continue lower income households may see increases in the proportion of the household budget spent on mobile and home phone and broadband services;
  • There is a general increase in the cheapest price of home phone services over time and recently home phone services sold as part of a bundle have been the cheapest option; and
  • Service providers may impose automatic price increases on customers who are already in a contract. These price trends are not covered in this report.

What can I do if my service provider increases its prices?

You are free to change service offering or provider without penalty if there is a change to the terms and conditions of the contracted price that is not to your benefit. However, in some cases your contract may have a built-in increase related to inflation. Your service provider must notify you of any changes to your contract (a contract covers both the price plan and terms and conditions). They must do this by giving you at least one month’s notice of the change and must inform you, where applicable, about your right to terminate your contract without penalty.

How do I find a cheaper deal?

The best time to look for a cheaper deal, either with your existing phone or broadband service provider or by switching to a new one, is if:

  • You have the right to terminate your contract;
  • You are no longer within the minimum term of your contract, or you are coming to the end of your minimum contract period.

If you contact your service provider or shop around, you might avoid a price increase and you may get a better service without having to pay more.

Can ComReg help?

If you are seeking a new mobile or home phone plan or planning to switch broadband provider, our comparison tool lets you compare price plans for mobile, broadband and bundles across different service providers and select the best plan, based on your needs.

Our Consumer Care team is also available to offer you advice and information.

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