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Price Cap for Calls & SMS Text Messages between EU States (intra-EU communications)

From 15 May 2019, the cost to Irish consumers for making calls or sending SMS text messages from Ireland to a fixed or mobile number in another EU Member State will be capped. This is in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1971.


From this date intra-EU communications should cost no more than 19 cent (+ VAT) per minute for calls to a fixed or mobile number and 6 cent (+ VAT) per SMS message. The cost including VAT is as follows:

• 23.37 cent per minute for a fixed or mobile voice call;
• 7.38 cent per SMS message.


In which countries do the price caps apply?

The price caps apply to calls and SMS text messages from Ireland to all countries in the EU which includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom.

The price cap will also include non-EU members Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein as soon as the rules are incorporated in the European Economic Area agreement.


Is there any action I need to take to avail of the price caps?

Consumers will automatically benefit from the price cap without any action on their part and service providers will notify the new tariff prices to their customers.


Can service providers continue to offer alternative tariffs?

Some service providers may continue to offer alternative tariffs or rates for communications to international destinations. Depending on your specific usage requirements, these may or may not be more favourable.

Where you have previously opted into an alternative tariff that exceeds the stated EU price caps, and have not confirmed or expressed your choice for the alternative tariff within 2 months from 15 May 2019, you will automatically be provided with the regulated rates.

Before choosing an alternative tariff, your service provider must advise you of any benefits that might be lost by choosing such an alternative tariff, helping you to make a more informed decision.


Do these changes mean I can exit my contract?

The right of consumers to withdraw from their contracts without penalty refers to modifications in contractual conditions imposed by service providers. ComReg considers that a right of withdrawal does not apply in relation to this matter as long as the modification goes no further than is necessary to comply with Regulation (EU) 2018/1971. If you have any queries regarding proposed modifications to your contract and your right of withdrawal we would advise you to speak with our Consumer Care Team.


Do the price caps apply to business customers?

Business customers are excluded from the price cap as they will have alternative arrangements with their service providers specifically for businesses.


How does this differ from mobile roaming?

Mobile roaming is the ability to use your mobile phone in another country while travelling. ComReg provides separate information on mobile roaming on our website which you can view here.

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