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Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process

Posted: 3rd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 15/136R4

Non-confidential submissions to Consultation 23/52

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 3rd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/24s

Combatting scam calls and texts: Overview of the Response to Consultation

Information Notice,Media Release
Posted: 3rd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/24d

Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidance Document – Draft

Posted: 3rd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/24c

Europe Economics’ response to submissions to Consultation 23/52

Consultants Report
Posted: 3rd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/24a

Combatting scam calls and texts: Response to Consultation on network-based interventions to reduce the harm from Nuisance Communications

Consultation Response,Decision,Regulatory Impact Assessment
Posted: 3rd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/24
Decision Number: D09/24, D10/24, D11/24, D12/24, D13/24, D14/24, D15/24

Network Incident Reporting Thresholds: Response to Consultation

Consultation Response,Decision,Consultation Submissions
Posted: 2nd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/23
Decision Number: D08/24

Response to Consultation and Decision on the Network Incident Reporting Thresholds - Non-confidential Submissions to Document 23/36

Consultation Response,Decision,Consultation Submissions
Posted: 2nd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/23a

End-user Dispute Resolution Procedures Submissions to Consultation 23/107

Consultation Response,Decision,Consultation Submissions
Posted: 2nd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/22s