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Conditions for the operation of Cable Television Systems

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/12

Wholesale Rate Review - Telecom Eireann charges to Service Providers - Information Notice

Information Notice
Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/11

Price Cap on Telecom Eireann

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/10

Numbering in Ireland - Proposals for the 21st Century - Consultation Paper

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/09

Irish telephony numbering scheme - Status Report

Information Notice
Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/08

Review of Switchlink Access Mechanism

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/07

Irish Mobile & Personal Communications Numbering Plan (Updates 97/10)

Information Notice
Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/05

Highlights of the first six months

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/04

Table of Frequency Allocations Ireland

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/03

Licensing radio links above 1 Ghz - Consultation Paper

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/02