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Twenty-nine New Telecommunications Licences Awarded on Countdown to Liberalisation

Media Release
Posted: 30th November 1998
Reference Number: PR301198

Regulator Etain Doyle invites applications for the allocation of directory information access codes

Media Release
Posted: 19th November 1998
Reference Number: PR191198

New Interconnection Rates to help promote competition

Media Release
Posted: 17th November 1998
Reference Number: PR171198

New Telecommunications Licensing Regime Now in Place

Media Release
Posted: 28th October 1998
Reference Number: PR281098

Case Against Telecoms Regulator Struck Out

Media Release
Posted: 9th October 1998
Reference Number: PR091098

The Future of Cable and MMDS

Media Release
Posted: 18th September 1998
Reference Number: PR180998a

Licence Application Procedures to Provide Telecommunications Services

Media Release
Posted: 9th September 1998
Reference Number: PR090998

Regulator welcomes cut in International Leased Line Charges

Media Release
Posted: 8th September 1998
Reference Number: PR080998

Speech by Etain Doyle, Director of Telecommunications Regulation, Wynn's Hotel

Media Release
Posted: 3rd September 1998
Reference Number: PRs39

Simpler Telephone Access Method for Calling Northern Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 3rd September 1998
Reference Number: PR237