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Regulator flags plans for Consultation on Interconnection Regime

Media Release
Posted: 8th March 1999
Reference Number: PR080399

New Accounting information to promote effective competition in the market place

Media Release
Posted: 5th March 1999
Reference Number: PR050399a

Regulator moves to develop the market for Satellite Services

Media Release
Posted: 4th March 1999
Reference Number: PR040399a

Carrier Pre-Selection: Regulator's Proposals to Ease Consumer Choice of Telecoms Operators

Media Release
Posted: 3rd March 1999
Reference Number: PR030399a

Regulator Seeks to Ensure Vibrant Competition for Internet Access

Media Release
Posted: 25th January 1999
Reference Number: PR250199a

Introduction of Number Portability in Ireland - Public Consultation Begins

Media Release
Posted: 22nd January 1999
Reference Number: PR220199a

Cable/MMDS Companies Agree to New Licensing Regime

Media Release
Posted: 15th January 1999
Reference Number: PR150199a

Cable companies agree to a new licensing scheme

Posted: 15th January 1999
Reference Number: PR150199