The EU (Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2022 came into operation in Ireland on 9 June 2023 and introduced some additional consumer rights.
Your service provider must make you aware that your minimum contract term is coming to an end and that you may cancel your current plan including how to terminate (End of Contract Notice).
Your provider should also send you Best Tariff Advice highlighting its best tariff or bundle that suits your needs. This must be provided before the end of your minimum contract term. Best Tariff Information must also be provided at least once annually.
Many contracts will continue on the same terms once they expire (when the minimum term comes to an end) but may be cancelled. Any new agreement that you enter may result in a new contract minimum term.
We have advice and information on switching your service to a new service provider.
You can also visit our Compare Tool to help compare the cost of phone, broadband and TV price plans.