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Consultation deadline approaching on Customer Charter

ComReg is consulting on the implementation of a Customer Charter for providers of internet and phone services. The closing date is this Friday, 12 May 2023.

The consultation sets out our proposed approach and the proposed requirements for providers of internet and phone services to:

  • prepare;
  • publish; and
  • keep updated

a Customer Charter.

A Customer Charter will be a one-stop-shop of information for consumers on the level of customer service that their provider offers.

The deadline for submission is approaching and we welcome views on this consultation and on any relevant matters. We will consider the responses we receive and once we have completed this process, we will issue a final decision.


To make a submission please contact us by post or email:

Subject Line: Submissions to ComReg 23/14

Email: retailconsult@comreg.ie

Post: Commission for Communications Regulation, Retail Policy

One Dockland Central, 1 Guild St., North Dock, Dublin 1, D01 E4XO, Ireland


Deadline: 5pm on 12 May 2023


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