On 12 November 2019, ComReg agreed to an undertaking with Vodafone Ireland Ltd (“Vodafone”) in respect of Vodafone’s Pay-as-you-go (“PAYG”) customers. The issue related to the operation of Vodafone’s PAYG offer, in that if a customer tops up by the value of the offer anytime during the 28 day offer, their offer would re-set and the customer would lose any remaining allowances.
In this undertaking, Vodafone agreed to:
• Refund 72,774 customers that may, in the past, not have intended to reset their offer when they topped up. The total amount to be refunded (by way of call credit) is €416,971.
• Advise customers in their contract at the point of sale that their offer will reset if the customer tops up by the amount of the offer.
• Amend the SMS sent to customers that top up by the amount of their offer to clearly inform the customer that their offer has been reset.
Further information is available here.