ComReg, or the Commission for Communications Regulation, is an independent public body that regulates the electronic communications sector, including phone, broadband, and postal services like An Post.
We ensure your rights are upheld by your service provider through:
- Providing clear information about your consumer rights to help you make informed decisions.
- Providing impartial information and helpful tools on our website.
- Implementing measures for vulnerable and disabled consumers.
- Ensuring service providers have user-friendly complaints processes.
- Assisting in finding solutions for unresolved complaints.
- Monitoring service providers’ compliance with consumer protection laws and taking action when necessary.
What can we help you with?
Common issues we deal with include:
Billing: Overcharging or unrecognised service charges.
Contracts: Price increase, incorrect pricing provided at the time of sign-up, unclear information about broadband speed.
Service Issues: Loss of service or broadband speed issues.
Switching Providers: Delays, loss of a phone number and related difficulties, continuity of service during switching.
Premium Rate Services (PRS): Unfamiliar charges (for example from 57XXX) and challenges unsubscribing from services.
Postal Services: Delays in delivery.
How can we help you?
Our website:
We offer independent, impartial advice and information on ComReg.ie, along with helpful tools for choosing mobile and broadband services. These include:
- Compare Tool: Compare costs of mobile, phone, broadband, and bundled offers at comreg.ie/compare
- Broadband Checker: Check available fixed broadband networks in your area at comreg.ie/broadbandchecker
- Mobile Coverage Map: View mobile phone coverage across locations at comreg.ie/coveragemap
- Premium Rate Checker: Verify Premium Rate Service names and numbers (for example, 57XXX) at comreg.ie/servicechecker
Our Consumer Care team:
If you have a complaint, we will review it and contact your service provider on your behalf if:
- You have complained to them already, and
- Your issue remains unresolved after 10 days.
The Consumer Care team can assist you or your authorised representative from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturday (excluding public holidays).
Web: comreg.ie for online complaint form and live web chat
Email: consumerline@comreg.ie
Phone: (01) 8049668
Text : COMREG or ASKCOMREG to 51500 to receive a call or text back (standard SMS rates apply)
Irish Sign Language: Irish Sign Language facility is available on request
Text Relay: You can contact ComReg Consumer Care via text relay. For more information visit itrs.ie
Post: Consumer Care Team, ComReg, One Dockland Central, Guild Street, Dublin 1 D01 E4X0