Your phone or internet service provider must provide you with your relevant, detailed pricing and tariff information clearly and in a manner that you can understand.
This information is to be provided to you when you first sign up and when your service provider makes any changes to it. It should be available to you to access at any point during the life of your contract lifecycle.
ComReg issued a Finding of Non-Compliance on 25 August 2022 to Three Ireland, as the contract
provided to its customers did not specify, in an easily accessible manner, the details of prices and tariffs appropriate to their plan.
Three Ireland has confirmed it has completed the remedial measures to ensure the pricing and tariff information are accessible to their customers from both the customer’s contract and Three Ireland’s pricing webpage.
For full details see the recently issued Information Notice here.
For further information on your rights, including tariff and pricing information, visit the contracts section of our website.