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  • Information Notice

Information Notice - Consultation on proposed 3.6 GHz band award

Information Notice
Posted: 10th July 2015
Reference Number: 15/76

Annex - Undertakings from Eircom Holdings (Ireland) Limited

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd July 2015
Reference Number: 15/66b

Annex - Undertakings from Eircom Limited

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd July 2015
Reference Number: 15/66a

Information Notice - Eircom restructuring

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd July 2015
Reference Number: 15/66

Information Notice: An Post's quality of service performance - 2014 Annual Results

Information Notice
Posted: 1st July 2015
Reference Number: 15/65a

Extension to consultation period for ComReg Document No. 15/60

Consultation,Information Notice
Posted: 1st July 2015
Reference Number: 15/64

Non-Compliance with the Premium Rate Services Licence Conditions - Zamano Solutions Ltd.

Information Notice
Posted: 30th June 2015
Reference Number: 15/61