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  • Consultation Response

Response to Consultation on Draft Postal Strategy Statement 2018 – 2020

Consultation Response
Posted: 20th December 2017
Reference Number: 17/113a

Response to Consultation on the Proposed Release of the 410-415.5/420-425.5 MHz Sub-band

Consultation Response
Posted: 8th December 2017
Reference Number: 17/105

Spectrum Leases in Ireland: Response to Consultation on the Framework for Spectrum Leases in Ireland

Consultation Response
Posted: 12th October 2017
Reference Number: 17/82

Electronic Communications Complaints Handling Code of Practice - Response to Consultation and Decision

Decision,Code of practice,Consultation Response
Posted: 30th June 2017
Reference Number: ComReg17/62
Decision Number: D04/17

Electronic Communications Strategy Statement 2017-2019: Response to Consultation 16/116

Consultation Response
Posted: 13th April 2017
Reference Number: 17/30

Market Reviews: Wholesale Local Access and Wholesale Central Access - Non-confidential responses received to ComReg Document 16/96

Consultation Submissions,Consultation Response
Posted: 3rd March 2017
Reference Number: 16/96sR

Emergency Call Answering Service Call Handling Fee Review

Decision,Consultation Response
Posted: 12th January 2017
Reference Number: 17/03

3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award Response to Consultation on the draft Information Memorandum

Consultation Response
Posted: 24th August 2016
Reference Number: 16/70

Universal Service - Provision of Public Payphones

Consultation Response
Posted: 26th July 2016
Reference Number: 16/62