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Permitted Short Range Devices In Ireland

Posted: 14th April 2020
Reference Number: 02/71 R12

S.I. No. 122 of 2020 - Temporary Electronic Communications Services Licences

Posted: 9th April 2020
Reference Number: S.I. No. 122 of 2020

Guidelines and Methodology on Financial Penalties in the context of the Access Regulations - 2016

Consultants Report
Posted: 9th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/25b

Consultation on Calculating penalties for Access Regulations breaches

Posted: 9th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/25

COVID-19: Temporary Spectrum Management Measures - Annex 2 Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 7th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/27a

Review of Postal Universal Service Provider Designation - Submissions to Consultation 19/125 on Step 1 of review

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 7th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/26s