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An Post's Quality of Service Performance - 2012 & 2013 Annual Results

Information Notice
Posted: 6th February 2015
Reference Number: 15/11

Yourtel Limited Undertaking pursuant to Section 73 of the Consumer Protection Acts

Information Notice
Posted: 30th January 2015
Reference Number: 15/08

Yourtel Limited: Undertaking pursuant to Section 73 of the Consumer Protection Acts

Information Notice
Posted: 30th January 2015
Reference Number: 15/08

Revised Amendments to ComReg Document 13/118R 'Radio Frequency Plan for Ireland'

Information Notice,Radio Frequency Plan for Ireland
Posted: 28th January 2015
Reference Number: 15/06

Emergency Call Answering Service - Volumes January to December 2014

Information Notice
Posted: 23rd January 2015
Reference Number: 15/05

Provision of Universal Service by Eircom - Performance Data - Q3 2014 (1 July 2014 to 30 September 2014)

Information Notice
Posted: 21st January 2015
Reference Number: 15/04

Cost of capital - broadcasting tariffs

Information Notice
Posted: 16th January 2015
Reference Number: 15/03
Decision Number: D15/14

14/004 Findings of Non-Compliance with the Premium Rate Services (“PRS”) Licence Conditions

Information Notice
Posted: 15th December 2014
Reference Number: PRS 14/004