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  • Consultants Report

DotEcon Assessment of consultation responses to Document 19/59R

Consultants Report
Posted: 20th December 2019
Reference Number: 19/124a

CHF Review 2019 - Report by TERA Consultants

Consultants Report
Posted: 23rd October 2019
Reference Number: 19/96a

Analysys Mason document - Implementation and Communications Plan

Consultants Report
Posted: 25th June 2019
Reference Number: 19/65a

LS Telcom Report - Study on Terrestrial BB-PPDR Spectrum Options

Consultants Report
Posted: 18th June 2019
Reference Number: 19/59e

Plum Report - 2.3 GHz Sharing Analysis

Consultants Report
Posted: 18th June 2019
Reference Number: 19/59d

Plum Report - Compatibility study in preparation for the award of the 2.6 GHz band

Consultants Report
Posted: 18th June 2019
Reference Number: 19/59c

Review of Weighted Average Cost of Capital - Consultant Report

Consultants Report
Posted: 31st May 2019
Reference Number: 19/54a