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Provision of Public Pay Telephones: Universal Service: Scope and Designation

Posted: 21st September 2020
Reference Number: 20/85

Derogation in relation to obligations at Section 10.2 and 17.2 of the WHQA Decision Instrument

Information Notice
Posted: 11th September 2020
Reference Number: 20/84

Quarterly Key Data Report - Q2 2020

Quarterly Report
Posted: 10th September 2020
Reference Number: 20/82R

Europe Economics Report: Annex 3 of ComReg Document 20/81

Consultants Report
Posted: 9th September 2020
Reference Number: 20/81B

Dot Econ Report: Annex 2 of ComReg Document 20/81

Consultants Report
Posted: 9th September 2020
Reference Number: 20/81A

Pricing of Eircom's Civil Engineering Infrastructure (CEI): Consultation and Draft Decision

Posted: 9th September 2020
Reference Number: 20/81