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  • Media Release

Narrowband licences to bring a wider range of telecommunications to rural communities

Media Release
Posted: 16th June 2000
Reference Number: PR160600

Regulator moves on access to mobile networks

Media Release
Posted: 17th May 2000
Reference Number: PR170500

Regulator Publishes New Decision Notice on eircom's Reference Interconnect Offer - RIO

Media Release
Posted: 20th April 2000
Reference Number: PR200400

Regulator Announces Decision on Introduction of Local Loop Unbundling (LLU)

Media Release
Posted: 19th April 2000
Reference Number: PR190400

19 Deflector Licences Issued - Regulator announces final licensing round

Media Release
Posted: 7th April 2000
Reference Number: PR070400

Telecommunications Regulator - Addresses Joint Committee on Public Enterprise and Transport

Media Release
Posted: 6th April 2000
Reference Number: PR060400b