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  • Media Release

Telecoms Regulator to Consult on Internet Access Codes

Media Release
Posted: 14th December 2000
Reference Number: PR141200

Telecoms Regulator outlines licence framework for 3G mobile Telecommunications Services in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 7th December 2000
Reference Number: PR071200

The Irish Telecommunications market After Two years of Liberalisation - Quarterly Review

Media Release
Posted: 1st December 2000
Reference Number: PR011200

Regulator issues new Directions on Service level Agreements between eircom and Other Licensed Operators

Media Release
Posted: 23rd November 2000
Reference Number: PR231100

Telecoms Regulator Consults on the Market for Directory Information Services and Products in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 16th November 2000
Reference Number: PR161100

Telecoms Regulator to Consult on Mobile Numbering and Mobile Number portability.

Media Release
Posted: 14th November 2000
Reference Number: PR141100

Regulator launches new 'Wireless in the Local Loop competition' Three Additional licences Offered

Media Release
Posted: 2nd November 2000
Reference Number: PR021100

ODTR to Host Major Telecoms Conference

Media Release
Posted: 19th October 2000
Reference Number: PR191000