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  • Media Release

Regulator Opens Way to Full Mobile Number Portability

Media Release
Posted: 15th May 2001
Reference Number: PR150501a

Regulator to ensure that An Post's tariffs are based on efficient operation

Media Release
Posted: 15th May 2001
Reference Number: PR150501

Regulator extends timescale for Deflector Licensing Scheme

Media Release
Posted: 4th May 2001
Reference Number: PR040501a

Regulator Consults on Key Issues for Postal Regulation in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 1st May 2001
Reference Number: PR010501

Regulator to Consult on Itemised Billing for Consumers

Media Release
Posted: 1st May 2001
Reference Number: PR010501a

Telecoms Regulator sets prices for Local Loop Unbundling

Media Release
Posted: 30th April 2001
Reference Number: PR300401