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  • Media Release

Next Generation Networks - ODTR Briefing Note Series

Media Release
Posted: 16th November 2001
Reference Number: PR161101

Operators all pass ODTR compliance audit on non-ionising radiation emissions

Media Release
Posted: 25th October 2001
Reference Number: PR251001

ODTR accepts Chorus Price Increases subject to conditions on customer care and network quality

Media Release
Posted: 17th October 2001
Reference Number: PR171001

New Draft Strategy for Management of the Radio Spectrum in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 3rd October 2001
Reference Number: PR031001

ODTR approves ntl's cable price increase application - subject to conditions

Media Release
Posted: 2nd October 2001
Reference Number: PR021001

Regulator issues further direction to eircom on wholesale bitstream ADSL

Media Release
Posted: 26th September 2001
Reference Number: PR260901

Substantial rise in next day delivery needed - An Post to prepare cost effective plan over next 6 months

Media Release
Posted: 20th September 2001
Reference Number: PR200901

Regulator directs Eircom to Complete ADSL pricing for other licensed operators

Media Release
Posted: 13th September 2001
Reference Number: PR130901