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  • Media Release

Regulator Reviews the Price Cap on Telecommunications Services

Media Release
Posted: 4th March 2002
Reference Number: PR040302

Value-added SMS Messaging Era Begins

Media Release
Posted: 27th February 2002
Reference Number: PR270202

The Internet in Ireland - Communication Transmission and delivery issues

Media Release
Posted: 20th February 2002
Reference Number: PR200202a

ODTR consults on new initiatives for fixed wireless broadband applications

Media Release
Posted: 20th February 2002
Reference Number: PR200202

ODTR Briefing Note Series - Wireless Local Area Networks

Media Release
Posted: 1st February 2002
Reference Number: PR010202

ODTR to Consult on Price Increase Application by An Post for postal services

Media Release
Posted: 30th January 2002
Reference Number: PR300102

Regulator Gives Go-Ahead to SMS Codes

Media Release
Posted: 29th January 2002
Reference Number: PR280102

Telecoms Regulator launches 3G Competition

Media Release
Posted: 18th December 2001
Reference Number: PR181201

Irish Telecommunications Market liberalised rapidly over the last three years

Media Release
Posted: 3rd December 2001
Reference Number: PR031201