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  • Media Release

Authorisations to Replace Licences - New EU Directive

Media Release
Posted: 19th August 2002
Reference Number: PR190802

ODTR Statement on 3G 'B' Licences

Media Release
Posted: 15th August 2002
Reference Number: PR150802

Speedy Rollout of Wireless Internet on the Way

Media Release
Posted: 30th July 2002
Reference Number: PR300702

1/3 of An Post Direct Mail Customers to Pay Less

Media Release
Posted: 29th July 2002
Reference Number: PR290702

Savings Can be Made While Using Phone Abroad

Media Release
Posted: 17th July 2002
Reference Number: PR170702

Regulator Up-dates CPS Regime

Media Release
Posted: 17th July 2002
Reference Number: PR110702

Improvement in Operator Service Quality Performances Recorded

Media Release
Posted: 12th July 2002
Reference Number: PR120702

Regulator Encourages Advanced Internet Protocol

Media Release
Posted: 10th July 2002
Reference Number: PR100702

Regulator Proposes Retention of Price Cap on Some Eircom Retail Services

Media Release
Posted: 28th June 2002
Reference Number: PR280602

Regulator concludes review of eircom's Reference Interconnect Offer

Media Release
Posted: 27th June 2002
Reference Number: PR270602